So thanks to a pretty much constant stomach ache coupled with frequent exhaustion, this page is only lineart. But on the plus side, thanks to firming up a few details, I don’t feel the need to be coy about what my problem is. As I said, there’s a definite timeline for my ailing and it’s about November 24th or so. Although I usually only suffer morning sickness for the first trimester so maybe five or six more weeks before we move on to a different discomfort? Yep, I have an adorable and desirable parasite making me extremely sick. (This is good timing for our family, terrible timing for the comic.)

Anyway, I’ll continue to do my best. I am going to keep pushing myself to at least get the pages out on time (like this one!) but as for the quality of my art or my ability to play around with more shading, I can’t really say. My goal was always to do what I could and never to pull my hair out over feeling like I wasn’t a good enough of an artist or to try to keep a schedule that was too hard for me, and that’s still true, even when pregnancy makes that bar lower, so I apologize if the art gets a little wonky here or there or I forget some details, but you can bet I won’t update less than once a week if I can help it.