I have denied you a cool battle between a frail mage and a knight who uses blood magic and I’m sorry. Maybe it’ll come up later.

If you think color would make things clearer, you can always find a reference back on page 3, the chapter title. If pixel art is not helping you, the next five chapter headings should be more helpful. Or, y’know, my Insta, where I still only have black and white pictures of the cast but they’re entirely hand-drawn and thus more detailed, carefully shaded, and lacking the flaws that come with my inexpertise in digital.

Also, sure would’ve been easier if French existed and Saul could’ve just screamed, PARLEY! Maybe that only works if you’re sailors. Still would’ve made his next dialogue less clunky if I could’ve just had him say, “I’d like to parley.” But there’s no using another language y’all would recognize to be fancy and/or educated here. S’what I get for not making Earth the setting.
…I’m really setting myself up for criticism if I accidentally use a more completely adopted foreign word/phrase, like hors d’oeuvres. OH WELL! GUESS I’LL DO IT ANYWAY! (Probably not that particular one because “appetizers” exists and also “hors d’oeuvres” is one of the many, many French things that makes me say, “Really, French? REALLY?”)