I love my kids but getting them here is certainly obnoxious. I’m getting to the point where I get dizzy if I stand for too long. Pregnancy, man.

Anyway I decided that the effect of “Baeza’s voice is hard to hear” was too strong so I tried bolding the dialog text to make it more legible. It’s a bit of a sore spot for me, because I hand-crafted the “Baezabet” text for this character and the program that we used to turn it into an actual font couldn’t handle the careful particle effects that made the text look crumbly, but still readable, so it had to be simplified, which appears to have made it less legible still. I adjusted the past two pages as well, though for layering reasons on page 21, the bulk of Baeza’s text was merged to a layer that Clip won’t recognize as text any longer so I couldn’t change it to bold easily. Maybe one day I’ll fix it, but for now, it’s more effort than I’ve got in me.