Hey, all! So if you’ve been reading the commentary, you’ll know that I am pregnant and that’s relevant right now because I’m (presumably) having my baby some time next month (my due date is the 24th) and I am in the super uncomfortable very pregnant part of pregnancy. This is the last page of Chapter 1 so I’m going to be taking a little break to plot out the panels of Chapter 2, hopefully start up a bit of a backlog, and be super uncomfortable. I was hoping the timing on the end of Chapter 1 would be a little longer because I only wanted to take a month off so I will be posting character art for a few weeks, but I don’t plan on advancing the story until after I have my baby. I might post Chapter 2’s cover page before then, but that would be it. I might be able to post some silly shorts, it just depends on my health. (This is the sort of thing where I’d ask for fanart to post but I don’t think I quite have the readership for that yet ^^; )

I want to thank you all for reading this far, and I hope you’ve been enjoying it!