The storytelling with the borders was fun to do here.

Also I decided to try to do background storytelling and I’m just really grateful for the Clip Studio Paint materials I have at my disposal to help me a little when my attention span is waning badly.

Oh, right, to clarify if you’re unfamiliar and/or still confused – this is an OLD succubus/incubus myth. It goes something like this: A woman becomes pregnant with the child of a priest. People raise eyebrows because priests are not really supposed to commit fornication or adultery. BUT LO! It was NOT the priest! Not to fear, he’s still a totally trustworthy religious authority, I assure you, because, YOU SEE, one night, a succubus came to him, and tricked him and seduced him (which doesn’t count as fornication because it just doesn’t, okay?), and, after engaging in carnal relationships with him and gaining one sex unit’s worth of genetic material, that dastardly succubus flew off to this poor, innocent woman, shape-shifted into an incubus, and seduced her. Now, as we all know, demons do not have any, ahemgenetic material of their own and cannot possibly get a woman pregnant by themselves. BUT! Having STOLEN said baby sauce from some pious, innocent, victim of a priest, the incubus can now inflict pregnancy by the priest on the woman, even though the woman and the priest themselves definitely never had sex nope we are not taking further questions AMA CLOSED. So yeah, this isn’t like, an original idea on my part. It’s an old myth. I’m just invoking it.