And that’s the end of chapter 4! We made it!


Hey everyone! Thank you so much for reading! I’m going to be taking another little break. I’ve been working on a different project and I just need some space from Monochrome for a handful of weeks, so it seems like a good idea to me to take a moment to work on the other thing and then come back. (The other thing is a children’s book I wrote. Idk what I’m actually going to do with it, but I decided to draw my own illustrations. It’s also about villains. Anyway it isn’t long and can’t be a huge derailing distraction. It’s just the right size to give me a breather from Monochrome.) I also have a few concerns with how busy my summer is gonna be, so we’ll be back the first Friday in September!

Thank you for your patience with me as I carefully tend my mental health as I go!