Look, Imma say this now even though Imma show this later because some people get on one about furries –

Celestials have ties to elements, and the way that has permutated for a lot of them is through animals and animalistic features. Later you’re gonna see a siderial celestial and maybe a mountain if I can figure out a design I like before I get to that page, that kind of thing. Briar’s family is related to a water-aligned celestial, so her father is a deep-sea/tropical fish thing, her brother is a duck and maybe a fish idk this guy is an a-hole, her mom, you’ll see next page… I have my reasons for why Briar isn’t so inhuman-looking and a lot of those are adolescence. She’s not 100% physically mature yet.

These are all details that aren’t really that important to the story but I expect some people might harp about and so, here you go.