Where is Leigh? Did she die? Is the comic over!?

Hi no I’m not dead. Here’s what’s been going on.

So I am pregnant, and if you were around the last time I was pregnant like three years ago (wow the comic is old enough for that) then you’ll remember that my body does not take kindly to such things and I get really, really sick. In fact, with each subsequent pregnancy I get even sicker. In this case, I became totally lethargic and couldn’t stay awake for more than a couple extremely exhausted, drowsy hours at a time. I’m doing better now, but I’m still not 100%.

As a bonus, however, my youngest child temporarily disabled my drawing tablet! So even though the past week or so, I’ve started to feel better, I haven’t been able to draw. (I had a backup tablet, but I gave it to a friend who wouldn’t be able to afford a tablet herself and you know, I’m just really not sorry I did that. By “gave”, I mean, “mailed”, so they can’t just give it back for a little. I technically have a backup backup tablet but I really don’t like that one. Both of them are the kind you hook up to a computer rather than drawing directly on the screen anyway, and I don’t know how efficiently I can re-learn to draw like that.) The good news is, we took it back to Best Buy and it seems like it’s just the charger cable that needs replacing (Phew!) but given that Best Buy sells them for like $90 and Amazon sells them for about $20, I don’t have a new cable quite yet. So I’m still a bit sick (as in a parasite is draining all my energy more than I feel nauseated, which makes it hard to do things) and I don’t have a tablet.

Anyway thank you for your patience, we’ll get back online as soon as possible. I don’t know when that will be! I should have my tablet back online this week. I’m going to set some writing goals with my writing group (writing-drawing goals) and see if I can’t at least get back to Inception. But I would like to get back to, you know, Monochrome proper. I had a page I’d slowly been poking at between doing Inception and hopefully I can just finish up the last couple panels and get back going. So wish me wellness! Thank you all again.