Hey remember a few pages back when I was like, “I think I see a light at the end of the tunnel, but if it’s like a looney tunes light where it’s actually a train…”?


…yeah, my grandpa, who was one of my most favorite people in the world, died on Christmas Eve. The only reason I still got a page out around then is because I’d gotten a page ahead and scheduled it.


This short should have one, maybe two more pages. I’m going to try to finish it, should be able to since it’s just chibi. Even though we’re still in the middle of Briar’s story, we’ll have at least left off on an upbeat note. I’m going to take the rest of January off and try to get myself put back together. At the end of January, I might also choose to take February off if I still feel like I’m falling all apart. But I won’t take longer than that or I’ll never get back to it. So I guess, the hard return date after next page is the first Friday in March, and the soft return date is in February.

Thank you for your understanding.